Making the EU services market an engine for growth
Conference "Making the EU services market an engine for growth", 02.07.2015, Brussels
EU Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Bertelsmann Stiftung Chairman Aart De Geus
Philippe Veldeman
From left to right: Dorothée Rouzet (OECD), Oliver Röthig (UNI Europa), Anne Bucher (European Commission) and Ulrich Schoof (Bertelsmann Stiftung)
Philippe Veldeman
Keynote Speech of Prof. Philippe Aghion (Harvard)
Philippe Veldeman
From left to right: Aart De Geus, Prof. Henrik Enderlein (Hertie School of Governance), Jyrki Katainen (EU Commission Vice President
Philippe Veldeman
Conference "The services sector as a growth engine for Europe"
Philippe Veldeman